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Facebook auf Google

Es wurde bereits angekündigt und nun ist es in der UmsetzungFacebook wird in einigen Wochen von Google indizierbar sein. Dabei haben die User die Option mitzubestimmen, in welchem Umfang sie Informationen der Öffentlichkeit preisgeben.

Wie Steve O’Hear sagt: “the so-called social utility is one step closer to reaching its ambition to become an operating system for the social web”.

Was das für uns wider von persönlichen Daten im Internet angeht, hat er (was Facebook angeht) eine nette These:

Within this context, does Facebook’s “public search listing” make the situation worse? I’m going to say no. Let me explain why.

Facebook results will inevitably end up pretty high in Google’s index, so a search for my name through Google — were I to opt in — would probably bring up my Facebook profile before many of my other social web presences, let alone what others have written about me. Presuming this works out to be the case, the end result is that I now have more control over what “digital litter” you see first, because I can edit my profile any time I like, and the search engine will re-index the results. In other words, I now at least have a chance to influence how I’m represented on Google and online in general.

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